myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Wow, it feels like I'm getting off a whirlwind and jumping onto another. Chris just finished his vacation time and is back at work, so I've been occupying my time "nesting." We've got most of the Christmas decore put away (mainly it's just the tree that's out).
The house was nice and clean before we left for Houston, but now it's a wreck again. So I'm working on that. Also I've been working on the nursery, which is good. Christmas came and went, along with the "Blizzard of 09"... we got a lot of snow, and it was just starting to go away when anothe rbout has come in... not as bad, but it's made the roads dangerous.
Anyway, I'm looking around at a mess, and trying to figure out where to start... and if I have enough time. With LBG due date so close (1 month folks!) I feel crammed again. We're going to the Cotton Bowl for New Years, and then the shower, and then she'll be here! Do I have time to finish the room? Absolutely shouldn't be a problem if I can get the house back in order... urgh... maybe that's where I start. I just feel so tired most of the time. I mean, it's all I can do to sit with the computer on my lap and reach for the water cup that seems so far away. The silliness of pregnancy. It's made it hard to get to bed, and harder still to avoide it sometimes.
I'm gonna make it, though... right?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

White Christmas

I had a very merry white Christmas here in Oklahoma.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Well, the OSU 2009 Fall commencement was this weekend... I think I actually graduated. I'm pretty sure I did all the paperwork and such to graduate, and was told I did... but that was so many months ago, I'm just not sure. I'll be a bit aprehensive until I get the actual diploma in my hands. It should arrive within 4-6 weeks... sounds like something else (LBG) that'll be arriving around that time. I kind of hope I get the diploma first.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Life Coming At Us Fast

Wow... it doesn't seem like "just yesterday," but it doesn't seem like that long ago that I had a whole different perspective on life. Those views have changed since LBG has come into view. I mean, I've been pregnant for a while (yes, 7.5 months is a while when your 27) but it seems like just within these last few months that I've really really felt pregnant. I guess it's because I actually look pregnant and can feel her.
I can't wait till she comes, but I love the way I feel (when I'm not deadly tired... which is being so tired I become such a bitch everyone wishes they were dead), and the way she feels. There's a part that doesn't want that day to come, but I know deep inside it has to, and I can't just be pregnant forever. And that I'll love her even more when she's out. I'm excited, and aprehensive... and trying to find things to do. But I sort of just want to sit there and feel every kick while I still can... but sitting too long and not doing anything makes me tired. So, I'm blogging... before I take a nap.
And actually, that's all I've got. Thanks for tuning in.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reasons Zombies Make Cool Parents

Not my creation, but really fun. Just had to post. It's from the Zits comic strip this year for Halloween week.

Thinking Ahead, Gift-wise

WARNING: CHRISTMAS SPOILER ALERT! Do not read if you don't want to know what you're getting! I just wanted to share this story (mainly with myself):
I was "talking" to one of my friends on facebook today, trying to figure out what to get people for Christmas. I know, I know... we still have Thanksgiving to get through and it is just now Halloween! But she has a huge family and is worried about finances, just like everyone else.
I have to say I was inspired last year. I took a family recipie for shortbread cookies and cooked them up for Thanksgiving. They went over so very well everyone was saying that that was what they wanted for Christmas. Well, I've had a year to think about it and am excited to get started cooking on those again. I've found some cute cookie cutters, and will be keeping an eye out for cute/unique Christmas tins. I love the shortbread because they're great with tea (and other hot drinks), not too sweet, a family tradition/favorite, and they stay for-ev-er (not literally, but it sure seems that way, which is nice because you don't have to eat them all in one sitting... or two... or...).
And when I started thinking about that and telling her about my idea for this year, past memories of Christmas came rushing back. As a child I never thought we were strapped for cash, and it's a feeling I want to pass on to my children. But I can remember such fun times making this amazing little decorations that we'd send out with our cards every year.
I think my favorite ones were the gingerbread men and women that were no bigger than a couple of inches tall. They weren't made for eating, because they were made out of some kind of clay instead of cooking ingreadients... except they smelled like gingerbread! We made those when we lived in Saudi and I remember my last high school year decorating the tree in Yale (many many years later) and still being able to smell them. I'm going to have to do something like that one year with LBG.
Another thing I remember us doing, and I'm not sure but I think this was a completely different year, was painting and decorating wooden gingerbread men and women as gifts. These were a bit bigger, and I'm pretty sure Mom decorated the ones we sent out. But us kids decorated a few for ourselves and we still have them in our Christmas boxes. They were 6-8 inches tall and we had to stain them first so that they were dark like the cookies.
Man! This gets me so excited! I can't wait to do those things with LBG! Next year will be fun. But I'll have to find something for us to do those first few years until she gets old enough to properly "play" with that kind of stuff (you know, not put it in her mouth).

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On Airports by Lee Evans

I loved this and just had to share it! I know you guys all travel and will just laugh and laugh.

Lee Evans pops out in my head from Mouse Trap, but when I was in London it turns out he was staying at the same apts! We actually saw him in the lobby a few times.

Monday, October 19, 2009

1 Year Anniversary

Well, as a few of you know, yesterday was Chris and I's 1 year anniversary... at least here in Oklahoma.

It was good, a little better than the average day. But I think we both feel okay that we didn't do much, we both didn't really have all that much energy yesterday to go out and do something.

Chris got off work around 4pm. I was out exchanging jeans at the mall. When I came home and got him away from the Wii we went to Lowes and picked out a ceiling fan (an anniversary gift) for the living room. Then I made dinner. I was planning on having the house a little bit more picked up, but it was okay. He was happy I was making food.

We had ranch-style chicken, roasted herb/spice red potatoes, and green beans. We had a part of our cake top, but were stuffed by the time we got to it. There's still some in the fridge. We watched some TV and a movie we had. After that we headed to bed and played some music for baby belly and watched her dance around a little.
He had asked me about it a few days beforehand wondering what we wanted to do, but honestly I didn't know. I couldn't think of anything grande that didn't require money, so...
It doesn't sound all that grandly fabulous (we didn't go anywhere special or stuff like that) but I think it was a nice anniversary overall. We were both a bit tuckered out and it was good to just relax for a little while.

Lee Evans On Airports

I loved this and just had to share it! I know you guys all travel and will just laugh and laugh.

Lee Evans pops out in my head from Mouse Trap, but when I was in London it turns out he was staying at the same apts! We actually saw him in the lobby a few times.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tenacious D-Wonderboy

Such a fun song! I've had it stuck in my head ever since we played it for little baby belly. Ahh... Wonderboy! You know, Tenacious D were actually a really good band. I mean the harmonies and melodies were right on. Was it just because their image that they were squashed, or the rise of JB's career, or just they didn't want to do it anymore, or was it the R-rating (almost X in some) for most of their music?
Anyway, this song has been stuck in my head for the past few days, so I thought I'd share it with you. They really are/were a great band.
Because they have it... how bout the power to move you! Take me far away from the mucky-muck...

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Hell's Kitchen: Season 6: Episode 13 - Part 1/5

I thought this was an awesome way for Gordon Ramsey to start the chefs' day! Such a cute little kid!!
This episode is a good one for this season.

and it's so true what they all said about vegitarians (sorry, veggies, but...).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Computer

Yeah! I've got a new laptop! I'm very excited. It's a Sony Vaio NW. Very nice. I'm so excited about it! I'm typing on it right now.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nice Days

It's been so nice here in Oklahoma lately. Just when it starts getting too hot to handle, a storm comes thru and cools everything down. Today is another beautiful cloudless day where the girls can't decide if they want to spend it outside or in. Pixi prefers spending the hours staring at her reflextion in the back door glass while Tira wakes herself up barking at the slightest sounds.
Chris has been working hard, although this week he got a number of days off that left him feeling at a loss of what to do.
I, on the other hand, have been super busy, or at least busier than usual. I'm still working (1) McD's drive-thru, and their (2) reader board programs. Now I've been asked to do (3) general hiring for them. It's an awesome job. It's so nice meeting with the people and figuring out if they'd be a good fit with the company. Everyone has to fit into a certain guidelines before I even set up an interview, so the last part is just formal. But it's been a lot of fun. The new store has so many applicants. I finally got thru the first stack of applicants, and am now on to the next. Sadly this job will only last about a month, but that's good because I'm finding a lot of people for them, and I hope most work out. There's one or two that I'm sure won't last, but I'd love to be proven wrong on them.
Anyway, I'm super excited about the jobs, they're just leaving me a bit exhausted. I just have to pace myself, stop staying up till Chris comes home, and take naps. I just wasn't that smart about the whole thing this last week and got kind of ragged. But the weekend will refresh and all will be well next week.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Egg & Mooby Muffin

So I tried an "Egg-A-Mooby Muffin" today... or the McDonald's equivilant. The equivilant is not the Egg McMuffin itself people suppose it is. It's something you can only get at crossover (when you can order both breakfast and lunch at the same time). You get a Sausage-Egg-and Cheese McMuffin and substitute a regular hamburger patty for the sausage.
It's not bad, a bit juicier than the average thing you'd want to put on a muffin. A bit salty, but overall pretty good.
I got the idea from watching Kevin Smith movies this last week, in Clerks II is set in Mooby, while Dogma mentions having one of those types of muffins. Guess it just put the idea in my head.

Monday, June 22, 2009

More Baby Info

Okay, so the details: The doctor and I thought we were 8 weeks, but the computer says only 7 (that was last week). So we're two months along.
That put our due date right around the first week of February.
It's healthy and doing well. The heartbeat was good and strong.
We don't know if we want to know the sex or not. We won't get the choice of deciding to know or not for another month or so. There are good reasons behind each choice.
  • Emotionally: It's cool to not know until the doctor says: "Hey folks, it's a...!"
  • Logically: It makes sense to know when you can because then you can prepare for it. Get the right clothing, set ups, decorations, etc.
Chris is excited and happy that he can finally tell everyone.
I'm doing well. Morning sickness isn't bad (knock on wood). I'm slightly nauseous all day, more so at evening, but not vomiting or anything... just kind of "ugh". If I eat something (even when I don't want to see food) I'm good. Problem is eating something at all times can cause major weight gain, so I'm really trying to watch it. It really surprises me how calm it is compared to the horror stories I hear from everyone.

Thank you, all, for you well wishes! We appreciate it.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I'm Pregnant!

The Results:
The Sonogram paperwork:

The Heartbeat (was good and healthy):

The baby!:

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing

I love this play and am watching the beautiful movie version. So many great quotes. One that came out just a second ago was when John tells his friends that "it must not be denied that I must be a plain dealing villan." I love that Shakespeare just puts it out there forthright. There is no denying what Count John is from the first point.
I never realized it till now but Hero is... Kate Beckensale! Wow, she's so young in this. I watch it and have to laugh at Dr. Wilson from House. Almost playing the same character.
"The world must be peopled!" I love it when Benedict says that. He's so funny with his rants. "When I said I would die a batchelor, I did not think I would live till I was married." hehehe.
I think I enjoy this movie/play because there isn't a character I don't recognize in life... or characteristic.
Ah! I forgot about Michael Keaton's part! Gotta love it! "I should not see how sleeping should offend."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Neil Patrick Harris (NPH!) sings at the Tony Awards 2009 - Closing Number

I was sitting, eating popcorn, on the couch when Ma came in and plopped down beside me. I was in the middle of watching the Tony Awards and suddenly realized I was not going to enjoy any more of it.
“Oooh! Is that Doogie Howzer?” Mom almost squealed with girlish glee when she recognized the host.
“Neil Patrick Harris? Yeah, he’s hosting it this year.”
“He was such a bright young doctor. Remember that time you saw him on Broadway? You should have married him.”
“You do realize he’s not really a doctor?”
“Of course I do. I’m just saying he’s smart enough, he could have been one.”
“He was so smart, always spouting those big words and getting all those people better. I’m just saying not many actors can pull that off.”
“You realize half the actors in Hollywood have played doctors.” I didn’t want to have to explain the definition of acting to her.
“Yes, but George Clooney and John Stamos are too old for you.” Of course, in my mom’s mind there were only four actors in Hollywood: George Clooney, John Stamos, Neil Patrick Harris, and Leonardo DeCaprio… sometimes there was Brad Pitt, but he didn’t really count in her mind since he’d become more of an activist. I should have known better and stopped the conversation right then.
“You do know Neil Patrick Harris is gay, right?” But Ma wouldn’t hear of this.
“Nonsense, doll, you say all these Broadway actors are gay.”
“That’s because they are!”
“Doll, if you don’t want to marry an actor, I understand. I mean they are prettier than you, but you don’t have to go around slandering them.” And at that, I just rolled my eyes and dropped the conversation. There was no winning this. I vowed that any further conversations that might follow that path would only be met with popcorn stuffed in my mouth.

- - excerpt from Italian Virgin Olive Girl by 42 - -

Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Okay, it's been a while since I've posted on this site. Life's been kind of full lately.

I've started a new class at TCC. It's my last class, General Biology. Looking forward to it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Chris' Easy Ride

Chris went for a ride at the local Harley Store

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Throwin' Shoes ... No Horsing Around

Memorial Day fun in the sun.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Dunno who it is, but so cute... listen to the song she's out on. **sniff sniff**

Ryan's Slideshow

Ryan + Hailey's Wedding

Beautiful just Beautiful

Sprite - Commercial

As Josh Rich put it: "When did suicide bombers start making commercials?"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Funny Scrubs clip

Ah, West Side Story... love it!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

More Than A Feeling Scrubs Style

I heard this song the other day on the radio and I just can't get it out of my head. The problem is that every time I hear it I think of this hilarious section from Scrubs.
It makes me smile every time... just thought I'd share it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Take It Easy

My dad used to sing this song, and I heard it on the radio today. Here's to you, Pop.

Well, I'm running down the road
Tryin' to loosen my load
Ive got seven women on
My mind,
Four that wanna own me,
Two that wanna stone me,
One says shes a friend of mine
Take it easy, take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own wheels
Drive you crazy
Lighten up while you still can
Don't even try to understand
Just find a place to make your stand
And take it easy
Well, I'm a standing on a corner
In Winslow, Arizona
And such a fine sight to see
Its a girl, my lord, in a flatbed
Ford slowin' down to take a look at me.
Come on, baby, don't say maybe
I gotta know if your sweet love is
Gonna save me.
We may lose and we may win though
We will never be here again
So open up, I'm climbin' in,
So take it easy
Well I'm running down the road trying to loosen
My load, got a world of trouble on my mind
Lookin' for a lover who wont blow my
Cover, shes so hard to find
Take it easy, take it easy
Don't let the sound of your own
Wheels make you crazy
Come on baby, don't say maybe
I gotta know if your sweet love is
Gonna save me, oh oh oh
Oh we got it easy
We oughta take it easy

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Cowboy's Guide to Life...

also known as the Cowboy Ten Commandments

  1. Don't squat with your spurs on.
  2. Don’t interfere with something that ain’t bothering you none.
  3. If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
  4. Always drink upstream from the herd.
  5. Telling a man to git and making him do it are two entirely different propositions.
  6. When you give a personal lesson in meanness to a critter or to a person don’t be surprised if they learn their lesson.
  7. If you’re riding ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it’s still back there.
  8. The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket.
  9. If you get to thinking you’re a person of some influence, try ordering somebody else’s dog around.
  10. And never, ever, miss a good opportunity to shut up.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Guitar Hero Roadies


I've got a theory: it could be bunnies.

Bunnie aren't just cute like everybody supposes.
They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses.
And what's with all the carrots.
What do they need such good eyesight for anyways?

Bunnies! Bunnies! It must be bunnies!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Horseback Riding

I've started horseback riding at my friends house. We've got it planned to have training every Saturday for a while. It'll be good physical therapy for MS.
It's a good thing. When I parked at her house, just walking up to the barn/arena my legs started to go tingly. But the riding didn't have that happen. I'm actually not sore at all. My knees hurt a bit when I first got off the horse, but by the time we got back down to the house, they were fine.
I'm really excited about this.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kitchen Island: part deux

Alright! The votes are in, we are going with the black one! I placed the order once the polls closed, and it was supposed to arrive Thursday, but they couldn't find our new address (understandable), so they're redelivering it (with very specific directions) on Tuesday. I'm really excited! We have to put it together, but that'll be fun.

First Class Honeymoon

This is when Destiny and Heather came up with the idea to do a skit for Ryan and Hailey to reveal Patty and Tim's special honeymoon gift.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kitchen Island

Alright, so I've decided on an island, a kitchen island that is.
Check it out.
The only thing holding me back is deciding on the color. It's between the black or the red.
Vote on which one you think would be the best.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

What if roadies ran the world?

I loved this Super Bowl 43 commercial... because it's soo true. If roadies ruled the world, it'd be awesome! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As I watched the inauguration, I realized how stressful it must be. Both the announcer and President Obama had problems talking.
The official announcer stuttered once on the word senator when one was entering.
Also, our new President had problems with the Oath of Office, but he smiled it off. It could have been that the man opposite him had cut him off earlier, and it threw him off.

I am excited for the new regime to proceed in this country. I wait patiently to see what comes before casting doubt or support on the new arrivals to the governmental offices. But I do wait to see if this is just due to the pop culture we live in where we've established politicians as pop icons; or if these icons will stand up to their growing job as role models.

Obama's speech was about responsibility, and hope was drawn upon darkly. At times he sounded like a father giving his child a life lesson. At other times he sounded like he was still running for candidacy, with promises that seem so far from reality, at least not all of them within the four years he has. On my News & Views blog page is a transcription of his inauguration speech.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Advent Conspiracy Promo Video

this is such a cool video... and for a great cause.

More Book Work

The following website has some really cool book craft work:

I think you'll like it.

Star Wars Backpacks

You guys should check out these totally cute Star Wars backpacks! I would never wear one, but I thought you guys would get a kick out of them. Enjoy!

One for Yoda...

Another of R2-D2

They're viewable at

Model Books

You guys should check out this website:

It's got some really cool ideas. I'm thinking about doing something like that for bookends, out of some stable materials of course. :)

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Feel the Joy

Adapted from The Daily Motivator©
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Feel the joy

Can you feel the joy in life today? It is wherever you choose to let it be.
Do you see the joy in each new person you meet? Look for the joy that others may
be hiding, and make it your job to bring it out in the open.

There is joy to be found in every direction and in each new situation. No matter
how life may unfold it is always a privilege to experience and explore it.

Expect to find joy, and you will indeed find it. Choose to feel the joy, and you
will know it.

There's no need to spend time searching for joy in one place or another. Joy
exists anywhere and everywhere you allow it to be.

Make life rich and wonderful. Feel, spread and live the joy that is always yours
to choose.

~Ralph Marston

"I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by
dreading tomorrow. It is the dark menace of the future that makes cowards of
~Dorothy Day

House in Progress

New, Brand New

Yeah! It's a new year! Congratulations to everyone for for surviving 2008!

Well, in celebration of many things, I got my hair cut and colored today.

We closed on the house Friday, with a little "ado". But that's neither here nor there... okay, it's there, on my Job website.