myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reasons Zombies Make Cool Parents

Not my creation, but really fun. Just had to post. It's from the Zits comic strip this year for Halloween week.

Thinking Ahead, Gift-wise

WARNING: CHRISTMAS SPOILER ALERT! Do not read if you don't want to know what you're getting! I just wanted to share this story (mainly with myself):
I was "talking" to one of my friends on facebook today, trying to figure out what to get people for Christmas. I know, I know... we still have Thanksgiving to get through and it is just now Halloween! But she has a huge family and is worried about finances, just like everyone else.
I have to say I was inspired last year. I took a family recipie for shortbread cookies and cooked them up for Thanksgiving. They went over so very well everyone was saying that that was what they wanted for Christmas. Well, I've had a year to think about it and am excited to get started cooking on those again. I've found some cute cookie cutters, and will be keeping an eye out for cute/unique Christmas tins. I love the shortbread because they're great with tea (and other hot drinks), not too sweet, a family tradition/favorite, and they stay for-ev-er (not literally, but it sure seems that way, which is nice because you don't have to eat them all in one sitting... or two... or...).
And when I started thinking about that and telling her about my idea for this year, past memories of Christmas came rushing back. As a child I never thought we were strapped for cash, and it's a feeling I want to pass on to my children. But I can remember such fun times making this amazing little decorations that we'd send out with our cards every year.
I think my favorite ones were the gingerbread men and women that were no bigger than a couple of inches tall. They weren't made for eating, because they were made out of some kind of clay instead of cooking ingreadients... except they smelled like gingerbread! We made those when we lived in Saudi and I remember my last high school year decorating the tree in Yale (many many years later) and still being able to smell them. I'm going to have to do something like that one year with LBG.
Another thing I remember us doing, and I'm not sure but I think this was a completely different year, was painting and decorating wooden gingerbread men and women as gifts. These were a bit bigger, and I'm pretty sure Mom decorated the ones we sent out. But us kids decorated a few for ourselves and we still have them in our Christmas boxes. They were 6-8 inches tall and we had to stain them first so that they were dark like the cookies.
Man! This gets me so excited! I can't wait to do those things with LBG! Next year will be fun. But I'll have to find something for us to do those first few years until she gets old enough to properly "play" with that kind of stuff (you know, not put it in her mouth).

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

On Airports by Lee Evans

I loved this and just had to share it! I know you guys all travel and will just laugh and laugh.

Lee Evans pops out in my head from Mouse Trap, but when I was in London it turns out he was staying at the same apts! We actually saw him in the lobby a few times.

Monday, October 19, 2009

1 Year Anniversary

Well, as a few of you know, yesterday was Chris and I's 1 year anniversary... at least here in Oklahoma.

It was good, a little better than the average day. But I think we both feel okay that we didn't do much, we both didn't really have all that much energy yesterday to go out and do something.

Chris got off work around 4pm. I was out exchanging jeans at the mall. When I came home and got him away from the Wii we went to Lowes and picked out a ceiling fan (an anniversary gift) for the living room. Then I made dinner. I was planning on having the house a little bit more picked up, but it was okay. He was happy I was making food.

We had ranch-style chicken, roasted herb/spice red potatoes, and green beans. We had a part of our cake top, but were stuffed by the time we got to it. There's still some in the fridge. We watched some TV and a movie we had. After that we headed to bed and played some music for baby belly and watched her dance around a little.
He had asked me about it a few days beforehand wondering what we wanted to do, but honestly I didn't know. I couldn't think of anything grande that didn't require money, so...
It doesn't sound all that grandly fabulous (we didn't go anywhere special or stuff like that) but I think it was a nice anniversary overall. We were both a bit tuckered out and it was good to just relax for a little while.

Lee Evans On Airports

I loved this and just had to share it! I know you guys all travel and will just laugh and laugh.

Lee Evans pops out in my head from Mouse Trap, but when I was in London it turns out he was staying at the same apts! We actually saw him in the lobby a few times.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tenacious D-Wonderboy

Such a fun song! I've had it stuck in my head ever since we played it for little baby belly. Ahh... Wonderboy! You know, Tenacious D were actually a really good band. I mean the harmonies and melodies were right on. Was it just because their image that they were squashed, or the rise of JB's career, or just they didn't want to do it anymore, or was it the R-rating (almost X in some) for most of their music?
Anyway, this song has been stuck in my head for the past few days, so I thought I'd share it with you. They really are/were a great band.
Because they have it... how bout the power to move you! Take me far away from the mucky-muck...

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Hell's Kitchen: Season 6: Episode 13 - Part 1/5

I thought this was an awesome way for Gordon Ramsey to start the chefs' day! Such a cute little kid!!
This episode is a good one for this season.

and it's so true what they all said about vegitarians (sorry, veggies, but...).