Just wanted to say HI. Not much's been going on personally. Chris' been gone and he'll be coming back tomorrow. We're learning to tighten our wallet and start a better budgeting program. The dogs and chins have been doing okay.
I helped out at the First Annual Culture Fest. It was a really impressive event. I know I wasn't planning on it being such a big event but was plesantly surprised by it. I participated in the kids activity department. At first it was pretty quiet with everything else going on, but suddenly there was a boom of children down stairs under the tent coloring, painting, creating, etc. It was a really good time. I even got some facepainting in. Abby was a gem at it, so she did it for a majority of the time.
It was definetly a real success. Someone said there was over 1,500 there! That's amazing!
Despite it being a Saturday (which means I was already worn down) it was a good one. I did get a bit more worn out, so it's a good thing we have this three day weekend, so that I have two days to recover.